Dog Allergies

Allergies and Your Dog

Can dogs have food and environmental allergies just as humans? The answer is yes! Food allergies are less common in the dog world than environmental allergies. Environmental allergies can include fleas, dust mites, grass, pollen and other environmental factors. Take stock and notice when your pet's allergies flare up. Is it when they eat a certain type of food with a particular ingredient, or do they clear up in the winter months and exacerbate during the influenza season; if so it's more likely that you pet has environmental allergies. Both food and environmental allergies can cause some of the same symptoms; it's best to consult with your veterinarian to help determine the source of the allergies.

Food Allergies or Food Intolerance

Do you know the difference between food allergies and food intolerance? If your dog cannot tolerate dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, milk, etc, your dog is lactose intolerant which is considered a food intolerance. When consuming dairy products, your pet body lacks the digestive enzyme that's essential to digest the dairy properly which could lead to vomiting and diarrhea. However, if your pet comes in contact with something that triggers an immune system response  that could cause itching, skin problems, hair loss, etc. this is a food allergy. Since both food allergies and intolerance can be tricky to diagnose and/or treat please consult with your veterinarian.

Before introducing any new pet food or treats into your dog's diet please be aware of your pets allergies or have a conversation with your veterinarian. I research ingredients used in my recipes and commit to carefully selecting the best human grade ingredients as possible. I am not a veterinarian or professional pet medical adviser. Always consult with your veterinarian with any questions concerning your dog's diet recommendations and /or treatments and solutions allergies.